Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Super Duper Yummy Avocado-banana smoothie in 5 min!

What's in your mind when you are asked about favorite breakfast?

Mine is absolutely super yummy avocado-banana smoothie!

To start a fresh morning, banana and avocados are perfect match to energize you with fiber, potassium and vitamins C, K, floate and B6. 
Especially, avocado is an excellent source of antioxidants that may help slow aging and prevent certain cancers and heart disease. They are high in folate which also helps protect your heart and may guard against stroke. Studies have shown that avocados can lower cholesterol, guard against eye disease, help fight oral cancer, prevent breast cancer and has been shown to inhibit prostate cancer.

And you know what ? The best thing is that you are able to make it in just 5 Mins!


1 avocado ( Half an avocado has 160 calories, 15 grams of heart-healthy unsaturated fat, and only 2 grams saturated fat. In other word, it is super healthy. Sometimes I would have 1/2  avocado just to further cut fat and the yummy taste will not be affected. )

  • 1 banana 
  • 8 oz-12 oz 1% fat milk
  • A handful of greens for added nutrients – you really won’t really taste it (spinach, kale)

  • Optional: 1 teaspoon honey, protein powder, chia seeds and etc.

    1. Scoop the avocado out of its skin and sliced the banana.
    2. Combine avocado, banana, honey, and ice into blender.
    3.  Blend until smooth. Serve immediately.


    1. How to Cut or Slice Avocados in Halfhow-to-cut-animated.gif
      After removing the pit, lay the two halves cut side down on a cutting board. Score the skin lengthwise with the tip of your knife, then just peel it off of each half in two neat pieces. Slice the peeled avocado flesh right on the cutting board. I never lose any flesh doing it that way.
    2. How to Keep Avocado fresh                                                                          Store Cut Ripe Avocados - Sprinkle cut, mashed or sliced fruit with lemon or lime juice or another acidic agent and place in an air-tight container or tightly covered clear plastic wrap. The fruit can be stored in your refrigerator for a day.
    3. Choose 1% low-fat organic valley milk                                              I really love the local flavor of traditionally pasteurized regional milks of this brand. Even though it is 1% low-fat milk, it does not taste like water and still has a very good grass-fed milky smell. It is sweet but not overly sweet. Any way love it!            

This green smoothie can really be my breakfast EVERYDAY! SERIOUSLY!  Every single cell in my body, from top of head to toes, will feel so GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD after drinking.

Treat yourself to this creamy, nutritious, and delicious smoothie. Trust me, your taste buds will say yes! :) 

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